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High QA Refer a Customer

We love our product and we know that you love it too. We heard you talking about us to your friends.

Your recommendation is highly valuable and that is why High QA has a referral program.
It’s an opportunity for us to give back to you for sending customers our way!

Did You Know?

Companies rely on word-of-mouth between 2 and 10 times more than paid media and 74% of participants say recommendations from people they know are key drivers of their purchasing decisions.

Your recommendation is incredibly important and highly regarded. So High QA wants to give you an opportunity to earn a reward for sending customers our way!

You Love High QA - Others Will Too!

This is going to dramatically change everything you know about quality control.

James Marzilli President, Marzilli Machine Co, Inc

It's As Easy As 1 - 2 - 3

Simplify and automate manufacturing quality processes with High QA software
Simplify and automate manufacturing quality processes with High QA software

Refer A Friend

Send this url – – to a friend who you think would love High QA like you do.

Make sure your friend has your name and company.

Simplify and automate manufacturing quality processes with High QA software

Friend Becomes a High QA Customer

Your friend fills out the form telling us you referred them.

They need to include your name and company on the form.

Simplify and automate manufacturing quality processes with High QA software

You Get Rewarded

Your friend becomes a customer and you reap the benefits.

When your friend purchases High QA software you get up to 2 additional months on your subscription.